nearly nine months pregnant, feeling like eleven, i've suddenly come to understand the fashion habits of portly old men. the pants-over-the-belly look, the classic undershirt-and-cardigan combo, and the socks-with-crocs ensemble . . . they've all become familiar to me now, as part of my dressing repertoire. i'm also particularly fond of the cotton maxi-dress, though i must admit that with my stature i'm resembling a tent more often than i am a statuesque pregnant lady.
i'm also about as limber as a portly old man, which concerns me somewhat as i'm becoming more an more aware of the sudden turmoil that is about to erupt throughout my body. i have daydreams of tip-toeing through the tulips, i kid you not - oh, the days when i took spry for granted! it seems the most pleasant of lost abilities, to tip-toe or even perhaps to skip.
and so! a month to go, give or take of course, and i'm absolutely ready to meet the monkey that's been tumbling ferociously in my belly for the past 9 months. i hope everyone is finally getting a chance to enjoy summer - thunderstorms and earthquakes and all! xoxoe.