January 22, 2010

mark n' erin sittin' in a tree, b-i-t-ch-i-n-g . . .

yep we sure are getting tired of sittin' in this tree, and even worse still our landlords are going to put it back onto the market in the spring.  this, and strong desire to make another startling announcement, led us to decide it was time to buy a home.

now i know what you're thinking - you don't just buy a home over the weekend out of the blue - especially if your name is mark.  mark is infamous for taking two years to buy his television, and even then he felt he was diving into it too quickly.  he has to shop, compare, contemplate, strategize, seek opinion, contemplate again - and by then, usually the technology has changed so the process has to begin all over again.

but if mark is known for his reluctance to make quick decisions, then I am infamous for thwarting all mark's plans.  unbeknownst to mc, i had already been shopping for a house for nearly a year, on the off-hand chance that he might suddenly drop his guard and agree it might be time to buy.  (and okay, so what if i helped him to that point with two bottles of cheap wine and a Wendy's burger?  a girl's gotta do . . . )

so, once mark drunkenly agreed it was time to buy, it only took us two days and five houses to find The One.  i'd already had a short-list of potentials but both mc and i knew as soon as we pulled up that we'd soon be living in the two-story symmetrical tree-flanked doll-house with the for sale sign on the gently-sloped lawn.  i kid you not, i had visions of little vegas floating down the staircase in her prom dress.  admittedly, we will likely only be there for the next three to five years - but you get my drift!

so, we decided to buy on saturday, looked on sunday, put in an offer on monday and called it home on tuesday!  so happy.  our possession date is february 19th.

here's a picture, and of course i'll be re-doing EVERYTHING so i'll probably get into some before and after reno shots.  btw,  baby vegas is great, due up for the sex-clarifying ultrasound in a month - (i'll see if i can get some video of that for you, thomas, since you have taken a particular interest ;-))


  1. Darlin' you guys just knock me for 6. That's a cricket reference so don't even try to understand. How about "out of the ball park"?

    Wow, what a lovely place. Congratulations! I like the white concrete front yard. Looking forward to the interior shots - you renovating machine you!

    Tell Mark the sex doesn't matter. I mean the baby's sex - he's probably had to face up to those other issues long before now. No doubt you've always been honest with him. Anyway, as long as the child is human you should keep it.

    In Australia of course we take newboirns to the beach and throw them in to see if they're strong enough to swim back and therefore worth keeping - Nelle tells me in Canada you just put them in the fridge for an hour or so. Sounds a bit soft to me.

    much love to you both
    and tell mc i said g'day
