March 29, 2010

ready, set, shop.

i've never been shy about my love for shopping, so creating a baby registry is something that i've been looking forward to with anticipated glee.  the research, the decisions, comparisons and final choices have been dancing like sugarplums in my pregnancy-addled mind, and so it wasn't until i began this enormous task that i realized exactly how overwhelming it is!

too many choices!!  tell me, little vegas, do you prefer to rock side-to-side or back and forth?  will you require a head cozy to keep your little neck straight and supported?  should i stock bottles if i intend to breastfeed?  and how many?  do you need a crib AND a bassinet?  do i need a diaper genie for cloth diapers?  and what exactly will that genie do?  how many diapers?  which car seat will best protect your precious body and lull you to sleep?  good lord, i didn't realize that the occasion to make the wrong choices for my child would begin so early!

so i figure i need some help, and if anyone out there has some personal experience or some "must-haves" then PLEASE, by all means, feel free to dispense with your advice or suggestions.  also, i've started a registry at babies r us, but if you know of a better place (for prices or choices) please let me know!



  1. you need a diaper wipe warmer! they are the answer, Evan hated to be wiped with anything but a warm wipe after he had them :)
    you will make the right choices, there are alot of choices and definitly makes it hard to choose. I remember those days well. I did lots of research on the car seats, I think hands down that is your most important one to make sure you check them out.
    Some bottles on hand are always good incase you pump and you want a night out. 3-4 is probably plenty.

    Good Luck Erin!

  2. thanks tammy, the warmer is something i definitely hadn't thought of, but makes perfect sense. who'd want a cold cloth on their delicate little private parts?!! yikes!

  3. That wipe warmer sounds wonderful I remember London gasping when the cold wipe touched her butt, the only problem you might consider is that when you go out, if you can't take said warmer then your baby is going to scream like a banshee while you're in the mall changing the diaper. Its a tough call there. With all of Heather's younguns and Susan's for that matter we pretty much bought everything at Babies R Us,it has everything, very cute, and reasonably priced. No walmart obviously, if you're getting the exactly same thing go with cheaper. Now if you have some extra money, there's Kaz's kids, such amazing stuff, super cute, awesome toys and books, and like zip up baby blankets and stuff like that. You should at least check it out, it is totally awesome!

  4. kaz's kids, eh? i'll definitely check it out. i had a similar thought about the wipe warmer but it still sounds like a lovely idea.
