January 6, 2010

mum's the word . . . literally.

good lord love a duck, i'm pregnant. nobody was more surprised than i when i first saw that little plus sign on the test, and sure enough - six tests later - i was still pregnant. mark, of course, was thrilled to the gills and after shaking my hand with a congratulatory slap on the back and offering such sentiments as "good for you!" he proceeded to intensely study the pregnancy tests with the seeming sole purpose of finding a loop-hole.

nothing could contain mark's excitement, and he wanted to share our news with everyone straight away but i - being the more calm and rational of us both - insisted on waiting for visual confirmation before publicly declaring our successful spawning. nonetheless, mark's cup runneth over and he couldn't help but tell a small circle of close friends and family, and everyone at work, the guy at the movie store, and anyone he came into physical contact with. thus, though most of you are already aware of our good news, let this suffice as our official announcement.

check back for updates, photos, betting pools, and other info (if you're so inclined) and i'll do my best to keep interested parties entertained. all joking aside, this little monster is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to us, and we can't wait to meet her. him. them?

either way, today is the first ultrasound and i guess we'll know numbers pretty quick!


  1. OMG!!! Congrats to you both! We are so happy for you two. Your bump is super cute sweetie, and I hope you are feeling well.

    Love from M&C

  2. E=MC 2

    Way to go guys, I am very happy for you both. Lots of love,

  3. Congrats Erin and Mark!!! I believe we only have children with whom we are intended to! Planned not planned, WHATEVER......kids are awesome! I can't wait for all your updates.

    Lots of Love
